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May 26, 2011


Harry Hilders

Beautiful photo.


Hi!!!! I haven't "seen" you in soooo long! Hope all's well in your world. Oh my God, this article is so interesting and helpful. I have been having symptoms like this for the longest now. Not to the point that I want to copy others, but that I am so crazy inspired by soooo much out there, it's hard to remember what my own ideas and promptings are / were. I have been seriously feeling that my only hope is to wipe the slate clean, in terms of all the crap I've accumulated in terms of materials for things I "might want to get into" and do a complete abstinence diet of looking at others' work, just long enough to get back in touch with myself. This sounds like exactly what he's prescribing!

Jewelry Making

I love to agree with your statement here, "It's true, artists need to see themselves as pioneers, and when they possess their own uniqueness, they thrive." Painters should realize their worth.


Inspired is the word ... Very inspiring and a lot to think about.

Judy Keefe

hI SWEET FRIEND! Miss you too and I'm happy I came here, your blog always inspires me. What's happening? Call me!


article in a very good fit to be read so as to add new knowledge

Kitchen Benchtops

This was another key point that revolutionized the way I approach painting.

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