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May 06, 2009



Hola Izabella... I see that you have been very very busy over the past half year. I love the site you've created and wish I could spend more time playing in the playground you've created for everyone. Busy busy busy. i just wanted to pop in to say "Thanks" .

licks, Love, & Luck...

Catherine Haugland

Hey, hon. You need to have consecutive still shots of the movement, (if you look in the bottom right corner of your little film you'll see the shots are numbered) just like regular cartoons. Then you need to put them through a program that will turn them into an animated gif. I know that you can do it with Photoshop, just look in the help section and you should be able to find instructions. You have to be careful though, especially if you have large photos, because the file size with animated gifs can get quite large. Hope that helps!



This is so beautiful. I love how her little hands are lifted up. She looks a little shy...

Thanks for sharing this.



beoutiful work


i love this! and the music is really great

Judy Keefe

you made her move smoothly! How many images did you use! You always amaze me with your constant learning new things.



Please one more post about that.I wonder how you got so good. This is really a fascinating blog, lots of stuff that I can get into. One thing I just want to say is that your Blog is so perfect


He have capacity to absourve all the sarrow of this world

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